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Save, send and win with DIB!

Just increase your account balance or transfer money from your DIB Personal or Business Account and get the opportunity to be part of the draw & win. The more you save or transfer, the more the chances to win!

What does the campaign offer? 

An opportunity to win cash prizes while increasing your Current Account and Savings Account average balances or performing Foreign Currency transactions.

  • Get 1 entry for every AED 10,000 increase in average balance of your Current or Savings Individual or Business Accounts,
  • Get 1 entry for every Foreign Currency (FX) Transaction transferred worth AED 10,000 or more that you transfer via DIB, Domestically or Internationally


Grand Prize

  • 2 winners will get an opportunity to win up to AED 1,000,000* each (1 Retail Individual Customer & 1 Business Banking Customer)

    *Winners will receive up to 10  times of their average balance growth (in Current or Savings account) or up to 10 times of their winning Foreign Currency (FX) Transaction value during the campaign period, capped at a maximum of AED 1,000,000 per customer

Bonus Prizes:

  • 200 winners (Individual and Business Banking customers) will get an opportunity to win AED 5,000 each

Campaign Eligibility

  • Campaign is for Retail Individuals and Business Banking Customers 
  • Customers with Current Accounts and Savings Accounts will be eligible for the Promotion provided there has been a growth in the total balances held by the customer during the Campaign Period (Current Accounts, Savings Account, Fixed Deposit, Wakala Deposit balances)
  • All Foreign Currency transactions, cross-border or domestic transactions during the Campaign Period will be eligible for the Promotion provided the transaction value is equivalent to AED 10,000 or more

Qualification Criteria for the Campaign:

  • A minimum average balance increase of AED 10,000 in the Current account and Savings account during the Campaign Period or Foreign Currency transaction with a value of AED 10,000 or more is required across all Eligible Accounts to qualify for entry in the Draws; and
  • Additional entries into the Draws will be given to each customer for every additional AED 10,000 average balance increase in your Current account and Savings account or Foreign Currency transaction with a value of AED 10,000 or more. (excluding ATM, Debit Card, Covered Card, Online, POS transactions)

Offer Period: January 20, 2025 to May 19, 2025

For credit of Prize for the winners, the winners need to hold a Mudaraba based account with DIB (2-in-1 Account , Savings Account). Business Banking winning customers need to hold any Savings or a Rewards account.

New to DIB?

Click here to open a new account.

Click here to open a new Business Banking account.

Existing DIB customer?

Login into your account to transfer money or increase funds.
For Business Banking customers, please get in touch with your Relationship Manager

Click here for Terms and Conditions

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions


  • This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates. However, rates once agreed upon and executed shall not be changed.
  • The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the correspondent bank/financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.